Thursday, April 18, 2013

Throwback Thursday!

So I am jumping on the bandwagon! I'm starting off my blog by doing 'Throwback Thursday' that is all about me :)

 We'll start off by introducing the adorable younger me! I was 2 in this picture and I sure was the most adorable toddler ever!
Tatum was my first ever puppy, well actually my Dad's but we shared. She was around before I had siblings and one of the best dogs anyone will ever have! 
Here is me, still adorable as ever, at age 4! 
And then... I got old. Here is the geeky me at age 9.
 Here is me now! Well not right now, December 2012 in Jamaica!
And introducing Kiya! She is my adorable puppy! You will be hearing much more about her in the future blogs!

Now to introduce my siblings with TBT! I have one sister (Lauren) and one brother (Joe), both younger than me! That's right, I'm the oldest and shortest :)
This picture is us at my Grandparents 50th wedding anniversary party in 2009. 
We were so proud when Lauren graduated high school in 2010!
Thanksgiving 2011. We can never all look good in the same picture.

*Thank you to my Auntie Kristin for all the old photos that I stole :)

Check back next Thursday for another "Throwback Thursday"


  1. Welcome to the Blogging World! We will have to have a bloggers meeting (just you and me and Monica and Brooke) to talk about being bloggers and how awesome we are. Heart you!
